2A Newsletter: Week of April 21st
Why Can’t the Biden Administration Define “Assault Weapon”
Photo Source: Heidi Besen via Shutterstock
In the ongoing debate over firearms in the United States, a term that continues to sow confusion and fear: "assault weapon." This buzzword, which was essentially fabricated in the late 1980s, has been poised as an enemy for the public to gather around and blur the lines between different types of firearms.
While the origin of “assault weapons” remains a topic of heated debate, it's evident that the ultimate objective of gun control is not merely to disarm individuals but to eradicate the capacity for self-defense and legal gun ownership for civilians.
The conflation of "assault rifles" and "assault weapons" only serves the purpose of anti-gun rights activists, as it allows them to target a broader range of products for regulation. This strategy has been successful in driving public support for more restrictive gun control measures. However, it's crucial that we, as Second Amendment advocates, stop using these misleading and inaccurate labels — they have to be called out whenever possible.
In the fight against misinformation and fear-mongering, let's not forget who we are fighting for: law-abiding gun owners who simply want to exercise their rights without undue government interference. Let's stay vigilant and continue to challenge the false narratives put forth by anti-rights activists, the legacy media, and the Biden Administration.
A new trend we're seeing that we want our readers to be aware of, also intended to confuse the public is how the mainstream media is now swapping the term "assault weapons ban" for "semi-automatic firearm ban." See that story below.
Colorado Rejects Assault Weapons Ban Bill
Photo Source: Anatoly Vartanov via Shutterstock
In a win for Second Amendment supporters, the Colorado state legislature has given two big thumbs down to a bill that wanted to ban so-called "assault weapons." After nearly 14 hours of deliberation, House Bill 1230 and its proposed amendment to outlaw bump stocks and trigger regulators was denied.
Though anti-gun supporters argued these weapons are dangerous and unnecessary for civilian use, gun owners use them for self-defense, hunting, and shooting sports alike. Thankfully, lawmakers both Democratic and Republican, acknowledged that the ban wouldn't address the root causes of gun violence and would only punish law-abiding gun owners. They noted that most gun crimes involve handguns, not "assault weapons," and a ban wouldn't make communities safer.
This win in Colorado is a sign that some lawmakers are still willing to stand up for our Second Amendment rights, even with all the noise from anti-gun activists. Sure, the debate over gun control isn't going away anytime soon, but this outcome sends a clear message that folks in Colorado aren't willing to give up their right to bear arms. What we need, is to focus on finding real solutions to gun violence while keeping the Constitution front and center while protecting responsible gun owners nationwide.
Washington Senate Passes "Semi-Automatic Firearm Ban"… Again
Photo Source: Nadia Borisevich via Shutterstock
The battle for Second Amendment rights continues as the Washington Senate passed House Bill 1240 by a 28-21 vote. This bill imposes a sweeping ban on “assault weapons," many semi-automatic firearms and parts, exceeding even California's strict regulations. What makes this story different is that the definition of "assault weapon" in the state of Washington has somehow extended to many other types of guns that typically are not regulated in this way. The state also also passed HB 1143. Which enacts a 10 day waiting period, enforces proof of “firearms safety training” and requires a permit to own a firearm.
HB 1143 is a nuisance but not as damning as HB 1240; which targets the transfer, import, and manufacture of commonly-owned firearms used for self-defense, competition, and recreation. The ban includes a variety of firearms, such as “assault weapons” shotguns, handguns, and rifles, as well as spare parts and "combinations of parts" that can be used to assemble these firearms. Basically anything semi automatic and “scary looking”.
A recent amendment added a 30-day grace period for the sale of firearms or parts in stock before January 1st, 2023. However, this amendment also introduces a retroactive ban on items lawfully purchased after that date.
Similar bans have been enacted in California, Delaware, and Illinois facing legal challenges from gun rights advocacy groups. It's essential to protect Second Amendment rights. Support groups like the FPC and GOA who are fighting for your rights. If you live in pacific northwest, or Washington state, please contact your state representatives and urge them to oppose HB 1240 — and do it fast.
Nebraska slated as next state to pass Constitutional Carry!
Photo Source: Michael Kaercher via Shutterstock
Following Florida's recent adoption of permitless carry, Nebraska is now on track to become the 27th state to pass Constitutional Carry legislation. With the state already allowing gun owners to carry firearms in public view, the new bill would permit eligible citizens to carry concealed guns without the need for a government-issued permit.
The Nebraska Legislature recently voted 33-14 to pass the Constitutional Carry bill, despite opposition from cities like Omaha and Lincoln, where gun violence is more prevalent. The bill won't override the federal requirement for background checks when purchasing a gun, and those with criminal or mental health issues will still be barred from possessing firearms.
Unlike Florida's law, which is not considered "true" Constitutional Carry due to its restrictions on open carry, Nebraska's bill allows for concealed carry without the added barriers of licensing fees, fingerprinting costs, and gun safety courses. This change will enable more Nebraskans to exercise their right to self-defense without facing financial hurdles.
As Nebraska's republican Governor Jim Pillen is expected to sign the bill into law, Nebraska will soon join the majority of states that have enacted some form of Constitutional Carry. With South Carolina potentially becoming the 28th state to pass similar legislation, we are hoping that by the end of 2023, up to 30 states will have Constitutional Carry.
Do you find it overwhelming, having to keep up with all the news surrounding guns and your right to own or build them? That’s what we’re here for. Obviously we’re slightly biased but we do the digging and research across both sides of the aisle to bring you the most holistic and accurate information so that you don’t have to! So sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned and for regular updates if you haven’t already.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on, or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are to what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.