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80% Arms sells AR-15 and .308 80% Lower Receivers, 80% Lower Jigs and other accessories which allow you to legally build a firearm at home in most states.
We utilize state of the art 5-axis CNC machines to mill all our .308 and AR-15 80 percent lower receivers to incredibly precise tolerances using premium billet aluminum.
We also offer our patented AR-15 and .308 Easy Jigs® which is the first 80% lower jig that makes it ridiculously easy for a non-machinist to finish their 80% lower in under 1 hour with no drill press required.
Products manufactured by 80% Arms carry a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. We will promptly replace or repair any product that we determine to be defective.
2A Newsletter: Week of December 16th! thumbnail image

2A Newsletter: Week of December 16th!

80 Percent Arms   |   Dec 15th 2022

CDC removes its Defensive Gun Use Stats After Being Pressured by Gun Control Advocates
CDC DGU States Censored

Photo Source: CDC

In the latest exposé from The Reload, a large collection of emails (we recommend downloading the PDF in case the link ever becomes broken) show CDC officials being pressured into “killing or burying” key data showing up to 2.5 million annual instances of defensive gun uses in America. It’s a statistic that is referenced by pro gun rights advocates, such as ourselves, and for good reason - it proves that “gun violence” is a hyper politicized issue and that it is far more common than the average person (or naysayer) thinks for guns to be defensively used, rather than for violent offenses.

We know it’s probably tiring to hear and read about one alarming piece of news after another but this is something to properly take issue with. Do not allow yourself or your friends to be fooled for fake and skewed information being presented as “statistics” by groups like the Gun Violence Archive.

As for the CDC, a government agency, especially one that claims to base its principles on science should be heavily chastised for aligning itself with gun control advocacy groups as it’s just saying “we are their tool, and we will do their bidding,” says Gary Kleck, a criminologist and Professor Emeritus at Florida State University’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

The CDC removed/redacted 18 pages out of its originally 131 page report that covered Firearm Violence prevention which used to be visible at their original site link:

With an already strained relationship with Congress, you can be sure there will be some fireworks between the CDC and the House in the new year on C-Span once the Republicans take their new majority position.

The website change was initially reported by The Trace in early 2022 and these new emails were uncovered through a FOIA request made by Konstadinos Moros, a lawyer representing the California Rifle & Pistol Association which revealed that the lobbying for CDC’s changed stance involved Newtown Action Alliance chairwoman Po Murray. Ultimately, the CDC did respond to The Trace’s report and their reasoning for removing the DGU states was this, “it made the most sense to remove the numbers from the fact sheet and acknowledge that additional research is necessary to understand defensive gun use prevalence, frequency, circumstances and outcomes.”

Kleck doesn’t buy it though and neither should you. Here’s his take on the CDC’s half-baked response:

Photo Source: The Reload

Australia just had its first mass shooting since 1996Australia Mass Shooting 2022

Photo Source: Hakan Gider via Shutterstock

In a shocking turn of events from a routine “missings persons inquiry,” four officers were dispatched to a rural property in Wieambilla, Queensland. The result - two officers, a neighbor and the three persons at the residence who opened fire on the officers. In total, six people died in the firefight.

There isn’t a lot of information surrounding the case as Australian authorities are going to be investigating for motives behind the ambush. Police were looking for a former school principal who had been reported missing and was found in the aftermath with his brother and sister-in-law which were the three deceased at the Wieambilla property. As officers exited their vehicles, two were instantly shot and killed in a flurry of gunfire as the other two dove for cover and time to call it in for backup. One officer concealed herself in tall grass and thought she was either going to be shot and killed or burned alive after the attackers set the brush ablaze to try and smoke her out.

It certainly seems that the three attackers were ready for this for some reason which has not yet been revealed. But what’s shocking for us Americans to hear about this story is that most of us probably thought Australians were devoid of guns owned by private citizens after the confiscation in 1997 following the 1996 mass shooting at Port Arthur which took 35 lives.

Upon research that we did following the news of this event in Queensland we learned that while the 1997 “gun buyback” program did confiscate and destroy over 650k firearms, today there is still an estimated 3.5 to 3.7 million guns that are owned by private citizens in Australia.

Proponents of  gun control would argue that “yes, but these tragedies happen far less in other nations that have stricter gun laws or less guns in private ownership.” Well, make up your mind. Is your point that these tragedies don’t happen in other first world countries with stricter gun restrictions? Gun control advocates seem to be short-sighted because it’s always about redcing the mass shootings event count or the amount of guns in circulation or the ease/difficulty in acquiring a firearm.

If we’re solely looking at Australia, it’s not as if crime is nonexistent, so a better question would be what are the weapons of choice of violent assailants and homicide cases? Why do they choose the weapons over a gun and how many people are actually being killed with all the other murder weapons out there? Are they trying to actually save lives and reduce the death count or is it just a bunch of hyper-politicized virtue signaling aimed at voters.

Recently, the world was reminded that firearms could still be cobbled together with hardware store parts like what was used in the assassination of the former Japanese PM. Now, with this event in Australia it just goes to show that the strictest gun laws in the world will never eradicate gun violence. We hope our northern neighbors in Canada avoid learning

ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule in White House, Biden Announcement Imminent

AR15 w/ Pistol Brace

Photo Source: The Firearm Blog

Speaking of gun control, after the ATF’s temporary loss against us in court over their 2021R-05F rule, the nation is now on the cusp of facing the agency’s other “proposed rule” from 2021 which plans on criminalizing us all for owning stabilizing braces on our “pistol-length” rifles. From the limited information we currently have, we know that this rule is currently in the hands of White House officials and that Biden is set to speak on this issue any day now. While the Second Amendment Foundation did file a lawsuit to attempt to stay the rule from going into effect, it seems their court case/hearing won’t be happening in time to stop it from being enforced at least on a preliminary level.

If you don’t already know what’s going on surrounding the ATF Rule 2021R-08, read up on it and figure out your game plan. Will you take off your pistol brace? Will you comply? Or will you engage in civil disobedience? The choice is yours. It really is a head scratcher though. Is the ATF really going to criminalize millions of law abiding, gun owning Americans overnight? Well, since the issue now involves the NFA which involves a tax stamp.

That means an extra $200 per person’s newly designated SBR; you do the math, that’s a lot of money Uncle Sam probably doesn’t want to pass up on. Sure, they’d be naive to think that to collect on all of the extra NFA stamp fees but I’m not sure I want to find out how serious they are in doing so. All it takes is a couple people to “get caught” with pistol braces after the rule is live and to have the book thrown full force at them in court for others to get scared into full compliance.

Until there is a serious development in government provided information we don’t even know when the enforcement day is so we’re expecting to get blindsided at any given moment. Once Biden does make the announcement, all you can really do is say a short prayer before you visit your local range from then on if you choose to continue running a stabilizing brace.

4473 Forms Get Revisions for 2023

If you’ve ever bought a gun in a store then you should know what a 4473 Form is. Well, the ATF is making some significant changes that will take effect by April 1, 2023. Those changes include some verbiage and formatting revisions which include new questions that have been added.

The changes primarily address straw purchases and privately made firearms, which if they are received by a FFL must now be recorded by the 4473 Form.

Some of these questions are redundant and a bit confusing but the safe answer is likely, “no.”

For the full list of upcoming changes, see the government website for the ATF’s Form 4473 - Firearms Transaction Record Revisions.


Do you find it overwhelming, having to keep up with all the news surrounding guns and your right to own or build them? That’s what we’re here for. Obviously we’re slightly biased but we do the digging and research across both sides of the aisle to bring you the most holistic and accurate information so that you don’t have to! So sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned and for regular updates if you haven’t already.

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