2A Newsletter: February 19th
Biden and Pelosi make Statements on Gun Control
This Sunday, Joe Biden released the following statement calling on Congress to institute ‘common sense gun law reforms’
“ Today, I am calling on Congress to enact common sense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.This administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call. We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer.”
Biden’s ‘common sense gun law reforms’ would include a ban on assault weapons, 80% lowers and federal background checks. So far, discussions about legislation have focused on safe gun storage and federal background checks, and democrats are believing that this is possible to push through. Senator Richard Blumenthal recently spoke with CNN to express his confidence of the possibility of pushing these laws through and stated that he hopes to turn to gun reforms in the next few weeks following the passage of Biden's proposed 1.9 trillion CoronaVirus Relief Package.
Meanwhile House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also made a statement of her own,
“Last Congress, moved by the daily epidemic of gun violence and guided by the millions of young people marching for their lives, House Democrats took bold action to save lives and end the bloodshed by passing H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, and H.R. 1112, the Enhanced Background Checks Act. Now, working with the Democratic Senate and Biden-Harris Administration, we will enact these and other life-saving bills and deliver the progress that the Parkland community and the American people deserve and demand.”
So far, the house democrats have introduced bipartisan legislation to expand background checks nationwide, passed legislation to grow their investment in a national background check infrastructure, and established a Gun Violence Prevention Task Force to lead the effort to devise, develop, and debate legislation to reduce gun violence.
17th State offers Constitutional Carry
Utah’s governor Cox signed H.B. 60 Conceal Carry Firearms Amendments into law on February 12th. However, the law is effective May 5th, 2021. This makes Utah the 17th state to become Constitutional Carry (also known as permitless carry). This will allow Utah residents to carry a firearm without restrictions in place by the government. In addition to permitless carry, 50% of the fund balance will be donated to the Suicide Prevention and Education fund no later than 90 days after the fiscal year. Indiana is also looking to become the 18th state to allow permitless carry The House Ways and Means Committee approved House Bill 1369 and it is currently on the house floor where its expected to pass and move to the senate.Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee also stated that he will be making permitless carry a priority in 2021.
Meanwhile, on a national level, representative Richard Hudson introduced H.R. 38 the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act to regulate the carry or possession of concealed firearms across state lines. This would allow a citizen who is eligible to conceal carry in one state, carry a concealed firearm in another state that allows its residents to conceal carry. It also establishes a private right of action for a person affected by the interference with a concealed-carry right established by this bill.
Los Angeles Sues 80% Manufacturer
This Wednesday, City Attorney Mike Feuer, LAPD Chief Michel Moore, and City Councilman Paul Krekorian announced that the city of Los Angeles is suing a 80% Manufacturer. Feuer alleges that the 80% manufacturer has made it easy for anyone, including felons, to buy and build weapons that pose a major public safety threat. LA is also claiming in the lawsuit that the 80% Manufacturer’s advertisements promote internet sales by misleading consumers that building 80% 's is lawful and makes a mockery of federal and state background checks. Moore also stated that more than 17 murders and attempted murders have been linked to ghost guns, although he couldn't say if any of those crimes were directly linked to the 80% manufacturer.
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