2A Newsletter: January 7th
New Year, New Anti-Gun Laws
Hey friends, hope everyone had a great holiday! We haven’t had a newsletter in the past couple of weeks to focus on completing the mad rush of holiday sales. But during that time we had some BIG 2A wins. A court in Nevada found that the state law to ban “ghost guns” was unconstitutionally vague granting our friends at Polymer 80 the ability to continue to do business at their latest location. Perhaps the biggest news was that the lawsuit from the National Shooting Sports Foundation against the New York Attorney General has headed to the highest court in the land, our Supreme Court. We expect to see some interesting decisions coming up soon given that we outnumber the anti-gunning Justices currently on the bench. Hopefully, there will be restitution for all those wronged by the unconstitutional gun laws in New York (i.e. lawful gun owners who were arrested in New York having simply traveled through the state).
With all the wins and exponential growth in political activism for the 2nd Amendment in 2021, we are sure to see a huge influx of anti-gun laws this year. States like California and Colorado have proven that with their first legislative sessions of the year; California has introduced Assembly Bill 1594 which at this moment is literally just one sentence, but it’s designed to create a legal gateway for firearms manufacturers to be held liable via civil suit “if a gun industry member has failed to follow federal, state or local law which caused injury or death.” It’s vague and clearly made so that we can be harassed by the public based on these anti-gunners’ new definition of what a “public nuisance” is.
The city of Denver in Colorado is also currently voting on a bill to ban custom-made firearms, essentially “ghost guns,” which has become all but law, once the city Mayor has signed the law. This was made possible by Colorado’s SB21-256 when their Governor Polis gave cities and local governments the authority to establish their own gun regulations that are more restrictive than the state laws already in place. Next time your friends who aren’t into guns give you any lip tell them that “yes, guns are dangerous but that’s a feature. Not a bug.”
The Problem With a Required Duty To Retreat
If you follow our blogs, you may have noticed that we’ve been pumping out the key gun laws for each state in the country. With each article we provide the answers to the main questions every resident should be asking when it comes to gun laws for their state. Among these main categories is the topic of self-defense. When defending yourself with a gun, it quickly becomes very dicey as the legal entanglement can be unnecessarily complex. Some states require you to retreat and run away from danger if possible before responding with deadly force, others do not. This directly correlates with "Stand Your Ground Laws."
Watch out for this law to change in your own home state this year as it could be considered low hanging fruit anti-gunning politicians may target just so they can toot their own horns for voting points. While it makes sense to avoid danger whenever possible, the concept that it is better to require a person to retreat in the face of danger is difficult to prove. Just look up the story of Alexander Weiss’ case and come to your own conclusion based on how things shook out for him. Put it this way, the same states that require their residents to retreat before being able to legally defend themselves also allow their public officials to deny citizens the right to have a CCW permit.
What to expect from 80% Arms this year
Well it’s a new year folks, we made it! We wish you all the best in 2022 and thank our customers for their continued support. In the last quarter of 2021 we released the GST-9 MOD1 and our new 80% AR-15 Ambidextrous lower receiver. Supply chain issues that affected the entire industry have been drastically improved on our end since the previous year and most products are shipping out very quickly. We’ve got several new products coming down the pipeline this year so stay tuned and make sure you’re subscribed to our emails! This year our promise to you is to continue innovating, educating and standing up for your Second Amendment rights.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on, or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are to what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.