2A Newsletter: May 14th
ATF’s New Proposed Rules and Redefinitions on “Frames and Receivers”
Last week the ATF released their official document on proposed rules for redefining legal terms and definitions for lower frames and receivers that would inherently criminalize 90% of gun owners. If passed into law, it would also begin regulating 80 percent lower receivers in build kits into being treated as fully functioning firearms which would require serialization and background checks for their purchase. The official document’s name is “Proposed Rule 2021R-05.”
The 90 day comment period has begun but still no page on the regulations.gov site for commenting on this asinine tyranny. We will update this blog and let our email subscribers know the moment we find out about the comment page being made live — but until then, you can still submit comments via snail mail or even fax. See the specific contact information and rules for how to do so on the 2021R-05’s comment instruction page.
Senate Hearing On Ghost Guns
If you don’t know who Senator Richard Blumenthal is, allow us to make the introduction. He just led a hearing on “ghost guns” this past Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Imagine the hearing as if it was a trial being held in court… It was a two hour debacle of Blumenthal basically leading his witnesses to propagate the idea that firearms built from 80 percent lower receivers are the root cause of homicides and violent crime. Anyone not agreeing with Blumenthal was promptly ignored and facts debunking anti-gunner rhetoric were not addressed.
We strongly advise watching the entire hearing. However, see 1:46:39 of the hearing and watch until the end — you’ll largely get the whole overtone of how the hearing went. That’s not to say we are dismayed by how the hearing went overall though. Senator Ted Cruz and historian Ashley Hlebinsky staunchly destroyed the narrative Blumenthal and his allies presented.
From the ATF’s newly released proposal, the case is made that “privately made firearms” and split-receiver type firearms are a recent development and phenomena fueling “the gun problem” in America. Hlebinsky noted that these technologies date back to as early as the 1800’s and challenged the political focus that was made on marketing slogans. You can download Ashley Hlebisnky’s full written testimony here. Senator Cruz also confronted Blumenthal on why liberals are so hell-bent on scapegoating law-abiding citizens in their efforts to target violent crime. His conclusion: their endgame is to get a national registry.
Simultaneously Introduced New Gun Control Bills
Anti-gunners pulled a blitzkrieg on us in the past week! In a three-prong attack; first, the ATF releases their new proposed rule to attack 80 percents… Then, on the same day the Senate held a hearing on “ghost guns,” Blumenthal introduced new legislation dubbed “the Untraceable Firearms Act” which would include 80 percent lower receivers and frames under the new ATF definitions (if they all pass into law). The new senate bill “To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to ensure that all firearms are traceable, and for other purposes.”Does not have a designated number yet but can be read in full through the provided link.
It is an all out attack against the 2nd Amendment right now and the anti-gunners are moving on all fronts. Do not fall behind in the news of this development as we continue to provide educational information on your gun rights.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on, or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are to what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.