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80% Arms sells AR-15 and .308 80% Lower Receivers, 80% Lower Jigs and other accessories which allow you to legally build a firearm at home in most states.
We utilize state of the art 5-axis CNC machines to mill all our .308 and AR-15 80 percent lower receivers to incredibly precise tolerances using premium billet aluminum.
We also offer our patented AR-15 and .308 Easy Jigs® which is the first 80% lower jig that makes it ridiculously easy for a non-machinist to finish their 80% lower in under 1 hour with no drill press required.
Products manufactured by 80% Arms carry a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. We will promptly replace or repair any product that we determine to be defective.
2A Newsletter: Week of December 23rd! thumbnail image

2A Newsletter: Week of December 23rd!

80 Percent Arms   |   Dec 23rd 2022

SAF and Defense Distributed Joins Our Court Case Against ATFSecond Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed join case against ATF

Photo Source: Kan Chana via Shutterstock

This week the ATF suffered yet another loss in the federal court case VanDerStok v. Garland which allowed us to freely sell 80 percent lower receivers, pistol frames and their jigs. What does that mean? Well, the Second Amendment Foundation and a company called Defense Distributed has been allowed by the district judge to “intervene” and join the case as plaintiffs in the same way that 80 Percent Arms did.

Obviously, the ATF did not want us to join this case or for other organizations to follow suit because if more companies receive preliminary injunctions it means that more distributors, manufacturers and their customers will be protected from the ATF’s frame/receiver rule (2021R-05F). Thereby, it would only further weaken the agency’s ability to tote their “accomplishment” of passing this so-called gun control policy which is being incorrectly treated as law by many states.

If you’re only just joining us, the ATF came up with a rule in 2021 which would render 80 percent products and kits as firearms meaning they’d require serialization and FFL documentation. However, for many years, the ATF had maintained the position that 80 percents were in fact not firearms which is why the gun community and industry as a whole is outraged by the political agenda where government agencies are being weaponized to create laws thru policies — essentially hijacking or curtailing the official lawmaking process that requires Congress’ involvement.

Just because we, 80 Percent Arms, have received a preliminary injunction doesn’t mean we’ve stopped paying attention to the court case which very well may end up in the Supreme Court one day. So we hope that our friends at SAF and Defense Distributed also receive the same injunctive relief from the ATF as we continue to fight for our rights to build our own guns together.

The one case that will definitely kill ATF’s gross overreach on pistol bracesWest Virginia v. EPA court case ruling pivotal in defense of 2A rights

Photo Source: T. Schneider via Shutterstock

As Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, so eloquently said it we’re all still waiting for the ATF to drop their other proposed gun policy from 2021 which is the 2021R-08 Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached “Stabilizing Braces” so we can find out how screwed we really are.

Why so grim? Put it this way, there are anywhere between 10 to 40 million pistol braces in use today. Say this rule came out tomorrow in the exact form the rule has proposed thus far — we’d all be turned into felonious criminals overnight. For simply purchasing and using something that the ATF themselves had once said was alright to use! An accessory product that is not necessarily cheap either.

Kirk says there still may be hope though. One case that seems to have not been getting enough due attention is West Virginia v. EPA. If you’re not familiar with this case, what essentially happened was the Biden Administration adopted a bunch of new energy policies which heavily leaned towards green energy and aimed to cut the fossil fuel industry at its knees (which it did). In order to do so, you’d imagine there would have to be significant forms of legislation passed into law to move the energy sector in that direction right?

But no, that’s not what the Biden Administration did. Instead, they attempted to force their policies onto the energy industry through EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations instead. You can imagine that West Virginians weren’t too happy about all of this.

Sound familiar? This is why Biden and his cronies must be stopped. Just because they don’t have the clout, the votes or legislative support doesn’t mean that they get to push their agenda onto the nation while bypassing the congressional lawmaking process.

In the case of West Virginia v. EPA, it invoked the Major Questions Doctrine and shot the EPA down which essentially killed the coal industry despite no acts of congress being passed which created a violation of the separation of powers.

What is the Major Questions Doctrine? The Supreme Court decided that three triggers that might help certain cases be deemed as ‘major questions cases:’

1. When an agency seeks to “resolve a matter of great ‘political significance’ or a matter of ‘profound debate across the country.’”

2. When an agency’s decision may affect “a significant portion of the American economy or require billions of dollars of spending.”

3. When an agency imposes on areas that are “the particular domain of state law.”

In a 6-3 ruling issued on June 30, 2022, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of West Virginia and against the EPA due to Congress having never given them the authority to over-regulate CO2 emissions from power plants. (Meaning, the EPA cannot regulate coal and natural gas-fired power plants out of existence, as it was seeking to do.)

For these reasons, Kirk says that while we may have 120 days to sue and fight against the ATF’s pistol brace rule after it’s been announced to the public, the most important piece of legal defense may not actually be the Second Amendment, but is the West Virginia v. EPA case.

Going full circle – just as the frame/receiver rule had a proposed version and a final version — enforcement aside, the final version was much more tolerable than how it was initially written. We still haven’t seen a final version of the pistol brace rule but currently we know that the rule is part of the Biden Administration’s Omnibus package AKA H.R. 2617 which seeks to pass huge amounts of spending budgets, policies and other legal packages during the Lame Duck Session before the new Congress takes their seats in the new year.

So for about a couple of weeks now, many of us monitoring the news have been waiting to hear something akin to an update from the White House but so far it’s been crickets. If you look at the site, you can see that the Omnibus bill has already passed the House, the Senate and is currently under the tracker category “Resolving Differences” which means Biden may not have this 2021R-08 in his hands just yet. With the way it’s currently going there’s only one week left before 2023 so if there’s going to be an announcement it’s likely to happen sometime next week.

That’s why Gun Owners of America is urging everyone to call their congressional representatives NOW before it’s too late. You can see GOA’s notes and instructions here which includes a fact sheet for what H.R. 2617 would do to greatly hinder gun rights.

Elon Musk Reveals The FBI Paid Twitter $3.4M To Ban Accounts and Censor TweetsElon Musk's Twitter is the best Twitter

Photo Source: Mudissima via Shutterstock

The next time your anti-gun friends tell you that you’re crazy for not trusting the feds, refer them to this story. Not only has the FBI been chipping away at the 2nd Amendment by making people sign away their gun rights, they’ve been violating Americans’ First Amendment rights as well. If you think the top two stories this week was heavy well here’s the nail on the coffin: it’s been revealed by Elon Musk (now the CEO of Twitter) that the FBI had previously paid a total of $3.4M to the company to ban certain accounts and censor users’ tweets since October of 2019.

Email files have revealed that the FBI was communicating with top Twitter executives through multiple channels including email accounts and specially built encrypted portals.

How it worked was like this: the FBI would often send Twitter lists of users they wanted to investigate for terms of use violations thru Twitter’s “reimbursement program” run by their (SCALE) Safety, Content & Law Enforcement division. Basically, staff hours were devoted to processing requests from the FBI and they’d get paid for it.

In some cases, Twitter would investigate, look for evidence of a foreign influence campaign, but come up empty. Apparently, there was very little Russian activity and not much worth reporting.

Once Elon Musk had bought Twitter, he had fired their lawyers Jim Baker and Sean Edgett for suppression documents on the Hunter Biden story.

If you’re asking “which one?” Fair question. The First Son has had many scandals, the one specifically in question here was regarding his abandoned laptop and influence-peddling schemes that were on it. This was all back in 2020 when Joe Biden was still on the presidential campaign trail.

Baker has historically been a dubious figure for having worked both sides of the aisle - that being a leaker of confidential information and colluding with the FBI during James Comey’s reign. While a bit nerve wracking, Elon Musk’s house cleaning Twitter has been refreshing in the news that has come to light since his multi-billion dollar gamble on purchasing the company. Honestly, more people should be asking him to stay.

Also... it's been officially confirmed that the CIA killed JFK.


Do you find it overwhelming, having to keep up with all the news surrounding guns and your right to own or build them? That’s what we’re here for. Obviously we’re slightly biased but we do the digging and research across both sides of the aisle to bring you the most holistic and accurate information so that you don’t have to! So sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned and for regular updates if you haven’t already.

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