2A Newsletter: Week of December 2nd!
NYC builder arrested after sharing photo of 7 year old son holding his builds

Photo Source: WINS Radio New York
Here’s a story that will make you think more than twice on whether you really want to share photos of your guns and builds:
Social media is a weird place. Used to be that we just shared funny memes and videos with each other which created viral content. Now, we have long “Terms of Service” and policies that platforms are using to censor content from being posted and shared online.
At a base level, this sounds ideal as you’d want to maintain some level of dignity or a “brand image” for a platform right? In the end, it’s only become a slippery slope for private companies to dictate what we can and can’t say on the largest public forums known to man today; the internet.
Cory Davis, a 41 year old New Yorker was arrested for manufacturing and possessing more than a dozen “ghost guns” after he shared a picture of his 7 year old son holding a couple of his builds (according to the prosecutors). Surprisingly, the photo in question wasn't even shared on social media. It was sent in a family and friends group text chat which was then provided to law enforcement, causing an investigation into Davis to begin.
There’s not a lot of information on this story but of course, the police and the prosecutors are toting the arrest and confiscation of a mere 400 rounds along with other pieces of Davis’ property like a successful raid. (As a reference point, we fired 10K rounds in a weekend in our stress test of the GST-9 MOD1 frame).
Here’s what the District Attorney in NYC had to say about Davis,
“The allegations make it evident that by manufacturing these weapons, Davis put not only the public, but a child in serious peril. Using one’s child as a prop to showcase homemade, illegal weapons is inexcusable and extremely dangerous. The proliferation of ghost guns in our city cannot continue.”
We’re wondering if there’s more to the story that hasn’t been released yet, like if Davis has a prior record which might be why the prosecution is throwing the book so hard at him. These are the charges he’s currently facing (we’re quoting this from another news source so if it looks confusing just know it doesn’t really make sense to us either since we're not lawyers):
- 1 count of criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree
- 16 counts of criminal possession of weapon in the second degree
- 3 counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree
- 14 counts of criminal possession of a firearm
We don’t see “with intent to sell” on this list so if Davis had some serious priors it might make sense that they give him no leeway from the get-go. But if this is Davis’ first offense, the punishment doesn’t exactly fit the crime even if it is illegal to possess a firearm without serial numbers in New York. Criminals who are caught in violent acts with “ghost guns” aren’t even treated like this so what gives?
It's really sad that Davis was outed by someone he probably though would find the photo funny or even cute. We'll be following this case to learn more but the morale of the story: only share pics with people you REALLY trust.
Congressman Jim Jordan calls out ATF over "ghost gun" policies

Photo Source: Office of Congressman Jim Jordan
As we head into a lame duck session, the incoming House Judiciary Committee chair accused the ATF for ignoring and or failing to sufficiently respond to his past requests for documents and information about the bureau’s efforts to regulate firearms through their ‘rulemaking process.’
That would be Congressman Jim Jordans, a republican representing the 4th District of Ohio. Ironically, the new ATF Director Steve Dettelbach is also from Ohio. Rep. Jordan told Dettelbach that his committee “may be forced to resort to compulsory process to obtain the material we require and may require prompt testimony from ATF employees.” Dettelbach was also warned to “preserve all existing and future records and materials in his possession relating to the gun rules.
Whew, talk about fireworks. This is a Washington showdown we are genuinely excited to see play out. Especially because we know Rep. Jordan opposes the ATF rule 2021R-05F which sought to redefine “what a firearm is,” strictly regulate 80 percent lower receivers and even free speech (also known as the First Amendment).
According to Jordan, “the ‘ghost gun’ rule goes well beyond the authority granted in the agency in any applicable federal statutes and expands the legal definition of a firearm beyond what Congress intended."
One prior letter from Jordan to the ATF declared the rule to appear as a deliberate attempt to usurp the authority of Congress and “unconstitutionally infringe on American citizens’ fundamental Second Amendment rights and privacy under the Fourth Amendment.” He hasn’t forgotten about the ATF’s attention on “stabilizing braces” either and neither should you.
We’ll be sure to follow up on this story as it continues to develop over the holidays and into the new year.
Watch out for individual counties restricting gun possession in "public places"

Photo Source: Gerald H via Shutterstock
You’ll often see in our blogs or some product page descriptions that you should stay up to date with your state and local laws when it comes to gun control.
This story is a good example of why it’s important to be informed — Montgomery County of Maryland has now made it illegal to possess a firearm in or near public places such as schools, parks, libraries, healthcare facilities and places of worship. This new law applies for CCW holders as well.
If you don’t already know why this is ridiculous or how it leaves law abiding citizens as sitting ducks for criminals who don’t follow the law, we suggest you do some research or imagine yourself in a situation where you are unarmed and someone means to do you serious harm that may cause bodily injury or even multiple deaths.
Stay sharp, folks and don’t live in a bubble. Pay attention to the news, even mass media.
Do you find it overwhelming, having to keep up with all the news surrounding guns and your right to own or build them? That’s what we’re here for. Obviously we’re slightly biased but we do the digging and research across both sides of the aisle to bring you the most holistic and accurate information so that you don’t have to! So sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned and for regular updates if you haven’t already.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on, or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are to what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.