2A Newsletter: October 1st
DOJ Needs “more than 120 additional days” to process 211k stabilizer comments
It’s been a few weeks since the comment period ended (September 8th, 2021) for the ATF’s latest attempt to ban stabilizing braces. With each passing week we’ve all been asking ‘what now’ and we now have an update. Thanks to the Second Amendment Foundation’s ongoing lawsuit against the DOJ and ATF, we know that the court has allowed the ATF to take extra time in order to process the two hundred and eleven thousand comments that were made against proposed rule 2021R-08 “Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached Stabilizing Braces.” Thus, our next update (mandated by the court) that we should be receiving regarding this story should be around January 19th, 2022. It will be interesting to see what the ATF decides as this is about the 4th time they’ve flip flopped on the legality of pistol braces — after more than 2 million have already been sold. Will the court decide that the executive branch does in fact have the ability to re-define pistol brace legality without the approval of Congress? We shall see and update you accordingly.
Smith & Wesson Relocates HQ Due to Massachusetts Gun Control Laws
As one of the oldest and most iconic firearm manufacturers in the country, another company has decided to close up shop for greener pastures in a different, more 2A friendly state and that’s Smith & Wesson. Apparently, a recently proposed law in Massachusetts would prevent S&W from manufacturing a variety of firearms that in total make up 60% of the company’s annual revenue. Headquartered in Springfield, Massachusetts since the 1850’s, the company employs over 1,000 people in Massachusetts but made the difficult decision to begin relocating to Tennessee over the next couple of years due to restrictive gun control regulations. The move is expected to be completed by Summer 2023 and is estimated to create around 750 new jobs in TN.
David Chipman is a sore loser
Now that David Chipman is in our rear view mirror, he seems to be trying to get some more attention, as if he didn’t have enough of it already this year. Through an interview with the New York Times Chipman claimed that the Biden Administration “left him hanging out to dry on an island” and supposedly didn’t so much as even call him while pro gun rights advocacy groups “attacked his character.” No, we were just sharing the truth, speaking the facts and putting his own past actions on display such as misguided interviews on cable television or poor taste in social media posts.
Chipman even went so far as to say that Larry Keane (senior executive and general counsel at NSSF) posted a fake photo of Chipman online “trying to get him killed.” He’s referring to the viral photo of an ATF agent posing on top of the rubble that was originally the Branch Davidian’s compound in Waco, TX. As soon as the NSSF and other gun rights groups discovered that the photo was in fact not Chipman the photo was taken down. But of course, the virality of the photo had already become eternal on the internet. Which is good, let that be a lesson and scarecrow for Susan Rice the next time she and the Biden Administration comes after our rights and lifestyle.
Have topics you would like to see us touch on, or any feedback for us? Make sure to leave a comment below! We want to make sure we are putting out news relevant to our customers, and what you want to hear! Knowledge is power, and the more informed we all are to what's going on with our rights, the more effectively we can fight back.